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Kalimba Magic’s Review

Kalimba Magic reviewed our kalimbas in their last newsletter.  Here is an excerpt.

“I can truly say that I have found a new type of high end kalimba that is worth every dollar: the Colorado Soundscapes Kalimbas.

Here is a list of some of the things they do right with their Colorado Soundscape Kalimbas:

  • The 15-note kalimba is built like a bar stool. The bottom piece is made of metal and is hand pounded just like the hang drums, and is fastened with heavy duty bolts to thick and well-finished exotic wood of your choice.
  • Beautiful tunings inspired by the scales used on the hand pan drums. One of the amazing aspects of the hang drum is the wide array of scales they come in, each amazing and inspiring of wonderful music in its own way. I have only played one of the Colorado Soundscapes scales, but it did not disappoint, and I am assuming each scale they will offer will help the player paint a beautiful picture with their music.
  • The tines are amazing. Each one is hand pounded, and the “overtones” are tuned. (To see why I have put overtones in parentheses, read the footnote at the bottom of this article.) The tines have the look and feel of traditional African tines, but with the solidness and sustain of a modern kalimba.”

You can read the article in it’s entirety on Kalimba Magic’s site here.